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Kidathon Season-2 (2023)

Dashing towards a shared goal: spreading happiness through the exhilarating KIDATHONE- 2.O Fun Run! Organized by the visionary Gajera Trust, this event is not just a run – it’s a vibrant celebration encouraging children to embrace an active and wholesome lifestyle. Gajera Trust passionately believes that fitness should be wrapped in joy, and that’s exactly what this event promises.

In the heart of our philosophy lies the belief that every child is a unique universe, deserving a platform to flourish holistically. The KIDATHONE 2.O Fun Run isn’t just about the finish line; it’s about nurturing individual potential. We understand that these formative experiences contribute to shaping a brighter future for our young ones.

“Run today, conquer tomorrow” echoes our sentiment. Have a glimpse of the journey, where each step not only covers ground but also paves the way for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled tomorrow.