Sunita's makerspace – All you need is space

Smt. S. H. Gajera Secondary & Higher Secondary School, Katargam


  • Step 1 – Take a three Chart Papers.
  • Step 2 – Draw an Algebraic Identity using Geometry table.
  • Step 3 – Write an equation for the Algebraic identities.
  • Step 4 – Write Step by step equation using Marker pen.
  • Step 5 – And prove any value of the variables, the left-hand side (L.H.S) will be equal to the right-hand side (R.H.S)


  • Chart Paper
  • Measuring Scale
  • Multicolours Marker or sketch pen
  • Pencils


-Algebraic Identities, the topic with which most of the students are feared of solving mathematical problems. But we hope you won’t be feared anymore after going through this Project completely.

-Algebraic Identity is equality which holds true for any real value given to the variables in the given equation i.e. for any value of the variables, the left-hand side (L.H.S) will be equal to the right-hand side (R.H.S).

-An identity is an equality that holds true regardless of the values chosen for its variables. They are used in simplifying or rearranging algebra expressions. By definition, the two sides of identity are interchangeable, so we can replace one with the other at any time.

Learning Outcome:

Students will get knowledge about an algebraic identity is an equality that holds for any values of its variables. holds for all values of x and y.

E.g: (a + 1) (a +2) = a2+3a+2 => In the given equality, let’s put a = 10 in both sides.

LHS = (a + 1) (a + 2) = (10 + 1) (10 + 2) = 11 × 12 = 132

RHS = a2 + 3a + 2 = 102 + 3 × 10 + 2 = 100 + 30 + 2 = 132

For a = 10, L.H.S = R.H.S

Hence Proved, In a similar way, you can prove every identity and you will see that these all satisfy the condition to be an identity.


  • Aryan Patel - Grade 8
  • Kush Jariwala - Grade 8
  • Moksha Jariwala - Grade 8
  • Lakshyanta Gabani - Grade 8